Saturday, May 1, 2010

March, April 2010

More willful, more emotional, more social and more teeth!!

Mina's personality is emerging, she's quite a thoughtful and nurturing girl. She loves to kiss, hug and feed others, her friends as well as Mommy and Poppy. A silly sense of humor is developing, too! She is still fairly quiet, but a few words come out now and then. We expect her to start really talking some time soon.

Her appetite for solid food has increased. She absolutely loves broccoli, yogurt and strawberries and has been known to enjoy a pickle or vinegary cucumber. :)


Mina really started to come out of her shell this month, enjoying herself and participating more at the library story hour as well as at Mothersong, our two regular organized activities. She's made a few new friends, too.

Some pretty big emotional outbursts this month pave the way for tantrums. Lots of babbling and experimenting with words as well as a surge in sign language!

For Vernal Equinox we planted some seeds in our garden. Mina enjoys watering her garden daily and watching the sprouts emerge. Visiting her backyard Fairy Garden is one of her favorite things to do. We spend quite a bit of time at Descanso Gardens. Mina loves to smell flowers and herbs (she pinches leaves to smell them) and look at the koi in the ponds.


The month began with Mina's first official tantrum and a sudden fear of the bathtub. The tantrums are almost cliche - flat on her tummy pushing backwards while kicking her feet and, of course, screaming. Luckily they are not frequent. The bathtub fear was a surprising bummer, but Mina is slowly getting over her fear and learning to love bathtime again. Although baths are a challenge, washing hands is not. Mina loves washing her hands!!

NanaSue was here with us for a week and Mina loved having the extra attention. Although she was teething and not feeling her best, Mina had a fun Easter hunting for eggs that Poppy hid in her Fairy Garden. She had a blast one day playing with the hose in the Fairy Garden with Mommy and NanaSue.

Two teeth emerged this month, #'s 5 & 6 (top front). Teething sucks. :(

Mina likes to sit in a chair like a grown up. She also likes to climb all over stuff like a monkey. And have tea parties with her new tea set and play dress up (such a girl). Reading is still fun. So is her play kitchen.

Mina went to her first wedding... a traditional Hindu Indian wedding. She had fun looking at all the pretty outfits and enjoying curry samosa sandwiches!

All in all Little Miss Mina is doing great and keeping us on our toes. We couldn't be happier (or more exhausted).